Persistent Herbicides

Our industry has learned that certain chemical broadleaf weed killers can survive the composting process and continue to negatively affect plants grown in such compost. We have named these chemicals, Persistent Herbicides, because the active chemical ingredients can persist on treated vegetation for years even after composting

pdf-iconUSCC Position Statement on Persistent Herbicides

persistent Herbicide factsheets available

We are pleased to provide threse factsheets to help composters and others understand what persistent herbicides are, how to know if your compost has any and what to do about it.

1. Understanding Persistent Herbicides

2. Strategies to Mitigate Persistent Herbicide Contamination at Your Composting Facility

3. Implementing A Plant Growth Testing Program

We thank Craig Coker and Michael Whitt for authoring these factsheets and Filtrexx International for their generous support.