
Compost Foundation Signs on as Partner for International Year of Soil

October 28, 2014

Across the globe, nations are observing a potential soil crisis on the horizon. In response, the United Nations’ Global Soil Partnership has declared 2015 the International Year of Soils (IYS),

The Composting Council Research and Education Foundation (CCREF) has signed onto this campaign to raise awareness internationally and here in the U.S. Americans are part of the worldwide need to focus on soil degradation and contamination issues within our own borders.

Throughout the year, the partners in this effort will participate in a call to action for increased publication and advocacy necessary to protect soils and the precious life they sustain.

Why Compost in IYS?

Compost plays a critical role in healthy soils. The Foundation will focus on educating stormwater management, erosion control and green infrastructure professionals about the contributions use of compost makes, including erosion control, drought mitigation, and soil amendment.

“We are pleased to be joining with partners such as the Soil Science Society of America to educate and promote compost and healthy soil.,” said Ginny Black, chair of the Foundation. “We will do our part with events that focus on both diversion of organics and manufacture and marketing of compost, a cycle that ends with healthy soils.”

Watch for more details on USCC/International Year of Soils Events.

They will include:

January 2015: Pre-Conference Workshop, COMPOST2015 Annual ConferenceTools for Residential Food Scrap Programs
March 2015: Food Scrap Recycling Pioneers Panel
May 3-9 2015: Be Loyal to Your Soil—Compost! International Compost Awareness Week
May 2015: Food Scrap Prevention
July 2015: Food Scrap Collection 101: Getting Started, Pilot Program, BMPs September 2015: Conversations with Your Compost Manufacturer
November 2015: Role of Compostable Plastics: Look for the Label!
December 2015: Education and Outreach: Increasing Participation, Getting Results

International Year of Soils (IYS)
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