USCC Young Professionals

Gary Jane and Reece at the 2018 Emerging Composter Challenge


To develop young professionals in the composting industry by providing an avenue for professional advancement through networking, education, and leadership opportunities.

See our Young Professionals COMPOST2017 Volunteer Project
on Skid Row in LA!


About Us:

Young Ps: The Compost Leaders of the Future

The USCC Young Professionals Group began in October 2013 as a group for people age 18 to 40 to connect with each other and industry leaders. Young Professionals are either under 40 or have less than 5 years’ experience in the industry.

The Young Professionals are passionate about sustainability and are committed to expanding the compost industry nationwide. The group sponsors networking and volunteer events and provides opportunities to learn and interact with the leaders of the compost industry.

Contact Information:

To get involved or become a member, please contact:

Gary Nihart
Committee Chair
Linda Norris Waldt
Director of Communications

Join the Young Ps LINKEDIN group!


Visit the Job Board!