
LA Compost Conference—the 25th Anniversary– Highlights ReFED Along with Many New Offerings

December 5, 2016

USCC’s 25th Annual Conference arrives in Los Angeles in January packed with content on ReFED, cutting-edge regulation and trends; lined up with exhibitors ranging from big equipment at Demonstration Day to collection equipment and services for the compost industry, and a unique celebration of 25 Years and Growing as the industry’s trade group.

PreConference courses begin on Monday, including topics such as the ever popular Foundations of Composting, Community Composting and the Business of Vermicomposting; and opening of more than 100 exhibits at the Westin Bonaventure show hotel’s trade show hall.

Tuesday morning, world-renowned motivational speaker Chad Hymas provides the keynote, and several tracks, including one for operators and one focused on food scrap collection, run through the day.

Wednesday morning kicks off with the first-ever Breakfast with Champions, where roundtable breakfast discussions of facilitated topics give participants a chance get real-time advice from compost industry experts; and tracks on facility operation, California municipal legislation and policy, and specialities such as supplying cannabis growers. The day wraps up with a conference-wide celebration of the USCC’s 25 years including awards, entertainment and history.

Throughout the conference other activities such as a meeting of the Compostable Products Task Force, Chapters Roundtable, Seal of Testing Assurance Annual Meeting and Young Professionals activities (including a volunteer project and networking evening). Thursday will feature the traditional and hugely popular Equipment Demonstration Day at the City of Los Angeles Lopez Canyon Landfill, a virtual shopping mall for equipment buyers who can see turners, shredders, grinders and screens in action.